hsXenCtrl and pureMD5

August 7, 2008

On vacation I found some time to upload the new hsXenCtrl library (0.0.7) and pureMD5 (0.2.4)

The new hsXenCtrl includes the System.Xen module, which is a WriterT ErrorT transformer stack and a brief attempt at ‘Haskellifying’ the xen control library.  I find it much more useful for simple tasks like pausing, unpasing, creating and destroying domains.  The API is still subject to change without notice as plenty of function are still very ‘C’ like (ex: scheduler / sedf functions).

pureMD5 received a much smaller change – some users noticed the -fvia-c caused compilation headaches on OS X.  After removing the offending flag, some benchmarks revealed no measureable difference in speed, so this is an over-due change. OS X users rejoice!